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Daruma is one of Japan's traditional crafts made of papier-mache. It is made by pasting paper and other materials onto molds made of bamboo or wood, and has long been popular in Japan as a way of making crafts and toys. Daruma is said to have originated in China about 1,400 years ago with the creation of the "Futo-ou" doll. It is a papier-mâché doll with a weight in the lower part, and is characterized by its ability to get up immediately after being knocked over.
It was in the Muromachi period (1336-1573) that the doll was introduced to Japan. In the Edo period (1603-1868), it became known as "Okiagarikoboshi," and was popular among the common people. In the Edo period (1603-1868), the face of the Daruma ambassador was painted on the Arising Master. Ambassador Daruma is a person who is called the founder of Zen Buddhism. And it is said that this is the beginning of the modern Daruma doll. The model for the Daruma doll was a monk named Daruma Daishi, the founder of Zen Buddhism.
Surprisingly, the model for Daruma, Daruma Daishi, was originally from India.
It is said that he traveled from India to China and introduced the teachings of Zen Buddhism.
There is also a legend that he came to Japan and met the famous Prince Shotoku. Incidentally, there are several theories as to why the Daruma doll is red in color, and it is said that it is because of the red clothes that Master Daruma wore at that time. Another theory is that the color red was chosen to ward off evil.
During the smallpox epidemic in the Edo period (1603-1867), when red Daruma dolls were popular to protect people from the damage caused by smallpox, it was believed at that time that red-colored objects would purge evil spirits, and so red Daruma dolls were placed under pillows.
It is a well-known historical fact that Shakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism, was a prince of the Shakyamuni tribe in India.
However, Daruma Daishi was also born as the third prince of the South Jersey Kingdom in South India, and after the death of his father, the king, he became ordained as a monk. After 40 years of training under the high priest Hannya Tara, he left for India and China to propagate Buddhism.
At the end of his long journey, he passed away on November 2, 528. He is said to have been 150 years old at that time. Legend has it that the reason why Daruma has no arms and legs is because his arms and legs rotted off after nine years of zazen (meditation) facing the wall in a dark cave.
Later, as the legend of Daruma became popular in Japan, it was combined with the Japanese doll called "Okiagari-koboshi," which is known for its ability to get up after falling, to form the Daruma doll we know today.

​関連作品 /​ 面壁千年


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